Friday, December 7, 2007

Let's pray I don't screw this up!

Last weekend, I went to Anime Supercon and sold manga out of a suitcase. I made $180, saw loads of my anime-type pals, organized a Numa Numa dance in the parking garage, and spent three days in an animated bliss with my true family, my spiritual tribe.
Oh yeah, I also met the hottest, most amazing cosplayer of all time, and he was actually interested in me as well.

Hand to God, I'm not lying.

All this week, I've been going crazy waiting for today, when we get to meet up at Sawgrass and he can see how I usually look and will hopefully not run screaming in the opposite direction. I'm not terribly supersticious, but I think I'll wear green for luck.

But god, A is so amazing! He's an artist, and he's just as passionate about his art as I am about mine. He likes old movies and even older music. He's dark-haired and fair-minded, and strong as anything, maybe even stronger than me! He makes me laugh and not feel guilty. He's tried to stop me from blaming myself for everthing and apologizing all the time. We danced like maniacs to Japanese music at the con's Winter Anime Prom the night we met, then did karaoke two days later. This past week, we've talked past midnight. If his father weren't allergic, he'd want to own a cat. He thinks that with my mannerisms, I come pretty damned close. He doesn't mind that I constantly need to hug people and when he kissed me, I forgot about nearly everything else. I joked about setting him up with someone I knew, and he said that he didn't need anyone else. He wrote my name on his arm in Japanese because he couldn't stop thinking about me. We were born two flipping days apart.

He's utterly perfect, like my poem given human form. I think that even despite all of my emotional hangups, I could really fall for this one (given time and opportunity). Maybe I'm just putting too much thought/hope into this, but face it. After
Giovanni's idiocy (and nose-blood on my hands)
Emad's obliviousness
Nick Roe's utter rejection
Josh's tonsil-rapeage
Brian's perviness/idiocy/jerkocity
Dan's zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzness
Kris (nothing else needs to be said)
and Andrew's (let's face it) complete lack of attention and enthusiasm, I think that karma owes me a guy like this. One final prayer before I bid you adieu:

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