Thursday, April 24, 2008

Muahahaha! Success!

I am probably the only person on the planet that can get hurt at a Panic at the Disco concert, I mean really. I twisted my ankle and while it isn't broken, it hurts like billio. But at least I managed to total the ponytail of the blonde teenie bimbo bitch that shoved me over in the first place. It'll be nine in the afternoon before that hair grows in straight again, I'll tell you that. Heh heh heh.

But still, at the end of the night, ~I~ am the one who has the guitar pick that Ryan threw offstage, not blonde teenie bimbo bitch, so HAHAHA. I'm still a bit gutted that I didn't win the guitar, though. I met the girl that won the drum thing, and she's neat.

Also, I must give credit where credit is due and say that my mom is flipping awesome. Teenie's little brunette pallio tried to shove my mega-hippie mom out of the way to get to our spot when I went over to take close-up pics of Ryan, and my mom fought back. She was polite at first, and then she started banging the little bitch on the skull with her sandlewood fan. I'd like to state for the official record that my mom rules, and that I've finally figured out where all my violence comes from. Do not mess with old hippies, as they have been peaceful for many years and are only now letting out their repressed aggression.

I'm gonna go nurse my ankle with some Diet Coke and something unhealthy from our school vending machine now, ta.

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