Monday, January 7, 2008

Why should I worry? I have street savoire faire

Yeah, I'm worried.
About a relationship, of all things.

It's insane; two months ago, I'd never even met A. Now, he's nearly all I ever think about. I'm slowly coming out of my responds with violence, never acts like a girl mentality (though I'm nowhere near the stage when I start looking at makeup as if it were a good idea) and embracing the fact that yeah, I don't look like total crap in a skirt. And yet, I fear that its too late.
I really don't think A likes me that much anymore. I mean, its always up to me to call him if I want to talk or hang out, we spend as much time together as Bush and Cheney who are, as required by Constitutional law, never in the same state, and while I know that he was off looking for his friends that were supposed to be there, it still hurt that A totally ditched me at Librarations this weekend. I don't want to have to break up with him, but I'd really prefer to do it before its done to me. I'm on a pretty good never-been-dumped streak and damnit, I refuse to let it be broken by the one guy I might actually cry over. Really cry, not just make a little crying emoticon. In the real world.

Another thing that worries me: I am very turned on by one of the guys on American Gladiator. No, not that adorable Asian contestant who is ever-so wiley, but Wolf, one of the gladiators. Maybe its the wolf-calls, maybe its the hair, maybe its the fact that he's the only one that doesn't seem to be on steroids. I'm not quite sure what it is, but all I know is that for some reason, he totally makes my engines go VRUM vrum vrum vrum. Heh, sorry. I really didn't mean to be that crude. And I really hope I didn't just coin a phrase or something. But, ahem, yes, I am having relationship problems. Erk!
I am going to shut my eyes and when I open them once more, there will NOT be a picture of Don "Wolf" Yates on my desktop background. Because I didn't put it there. The Powers That Be are obviously at work again, screwing with my delicate hormones.
Damnit. That's my story and I'm damned well sticking to it.

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